Package CTL.Types

Class Summary
Except Serialization of an exception
FID FunctionID
Graph Unoptimized trivial graph class; show case for CTL.Reference Bandwidth usage: 6n + 18m + 9 n: number of nodes; m: number of edges assumption: each node has at least one edge connected to it Sending data and matrix directly: n^2 + 2n + 12
GroupInfo Group information storage
Header CTL protocol header
IPaddr IP address storage and serialization for IPv4 and IPv6
Location Location of a remote CTL service
Node Element of CTL graph
PeerID ID of a remote peer
Reference<T> Implementation of ctl::reference in Java
rPointer Remote pointer
Sibling<T> An element of the CTL tree
Status A CTL-specific type which holds the status of an operation
Tree<T> CTL implementation of a simple tree
Tupel<A,B> CTL Tupel (a fixed-sized array of multiple types)

Exception Summary
CTLException Internal CTL exception