Error codes *********** 1) CTL4j applications * 1: Bad file encoding (has to be set to 'iso-8859') * 2: Environment variable CTL_LOC is not a valid location * 3: Object not found in internal map * 4: No suitable service was found by the resource manager * 5: Unsupported operation (e.g. DAT message during communication) * 6: Debugging requested for a non TCP connection * 10: Critical communication errors (e.g. socket was closed or a timeout) * 11: Header corruption detected (packet size >64MB) * 20: Could not create file or directory 2) CTL4j utilities * 1: No argument specified or arguments are invalid * 2: Class not found * 3: Error while reading from stdin * 4: Unsupported protocol * 5: No data was received * 10: Selected class belongs to no package (CodeGen.Main) * 11: Process could not be started (Debug.DummyDebugger) 3) Test programs All test programs return 1 when an error occurs.