SPoG - Changed brush .map export to not snap shift/rotate to integer. - Updated win32 install to use gtk+-2.4.9 and gtk-wimp-0.6.2. - Removed 'unknown model type: ""' and 'Texture load failed: ""' errors. - Changed pivot-point calculation to use entity-origin for fixed-size entities. - Fixed errors drawing selection-rectangle in floating-windows layout. - Fixed shortcuts becoming disabled in floating-windows layout. - Removed snap-to-integer on entity angle/angles/scale keys. - Fixed dragging of doom3 brush-entities. - Fixed undefined-behaviour bug causing a crash with gcc optimisation on linux. - Fixed opengl extension support on linux. - Added support for half-life .fgd entity-definitions. - Fixed loading of half-life maps with texture-names containing '{'. - Fixed saving of visibility of yz-side and xz-front in floating-windows layout. - Added inheritance of doom3 entityDef 'editor_* *' keys. - Added support for doom3 entityDef 'editor_* *' keys other than 'editor_var'. - Changed entity-inspector attributes panel to be scrollable. - Changed shaders module to load *.mtr for doom3 instead of using shaderlist. - Extended doom3 material parsing. - Fixed crash loading maps containing patches with large numbers of control points. - Changed face-selection in camera view to use polygon test. - Changed face-selection-mode rendering in camera view to cull back-faces. - Changed doom3 materials to use 'diffusemap' when 'qer_editorimage' was not specified. - Fixed crash on restarting after changing game-mode to sp or mp. - Changed doom3 brush texturing to generate correct UVs when faces point along +/-Z axis. - Changed patch-cap-selected to prompt for cap type only once. - Fixed infinite-loop in patch-cap-selected. - Changed autosave to only save if the map has changed since the last autosave. - Changed "file exists, overwrite?" to go back to the file-chooser if 'no' is selected. - Fixed status-bar labels showing 'Label' at startup. - Fixed textures-menu grouping bug. - Fixed mirroring on brushes with doom3 plane-defs. - Fixed patch-cap-endcap and patch-cap-reverse-endcap. - Added shortcut support for all menu commands. - Fixed patch shader-name saving for doom3 patches created by user. - Fixed rotation/mirror toolbar buttons using wrong axes in certain situations. - Added automatic renaming of entity target/name keys for clone, paste and import-map. - Fixed quake2 support. - Fixed stability problems with doom3 brush-entities. - Added doom3 entity-definition editor_usage* key support. - Added doom3 entity-definition editor_* key info to entity-inspector comments. - Added specialised attribute-entry in entity-inspector for boolean attributes. - Fixed crash in find-brush when entering the index of a fixed-size entity. - Added support for rendering doom3 'targetN' -> 'name' entity connections. - Changed connect-entities to use 'targetN' and 'name' keys on doom3 entities. - Improved handling of brushes with near-duplicate planes. - Fixed crash in snap-to-grid on brushes with non-contributing faces. - Added basic rendering for 'curve_Nurbs' on doom3 entities. - Added basic rendering for 'curve_CatmullRomSpline' on doom3 entities. - Added component-editing for curves on doom3 entities. - Added normalisation of translation for texture-lock on doom3 brushes. - Added update of surface inspector for texdef changes caused by texture-lock. - Changed floating-windows layout to centre all ortho views on center-xy-views. Michael Schlueter - Updated linux installer scripts to work with 1.5. - Added Doom3 support to linux installer. - Changed 'file exists, overwrite?' prompt to default to 'no'. - Changed file-chooser dialogs to use GtkFileChooser.