Package Test

Class Summary
ASCII Test case for the ASCII serializer
CTLTest Test harness for all test cases
PiSimpleNoCTL Non-CTL implementation of the Pi calculation for comparison
TClient Test case for the CTL itself
TGraph Test case for Graph
TIPaddr Test case for the IPaddr type
TIStream Test case for the 'intelligent' stream
TJava Testing the serialization of Java standard library types
TLocation Test case for Location.parseFile()
TMagic Test case for Remote.magic handling
TObjectStream Test case for the object streams
TOStream Another test case for the object streams
TRef Test case for CTL.Reference
TReflArray Test for writing arrays
TToolBase Testcase for CTL.ToolBase functionality
TTree Test case for the Tree data structure
TTupel Test case for CTL.Tupel
TVault Test case for CTL.Vault