

SEC: Socio-Economic Class does not hold as strong an importance CyberMyth as it does in Mythus. It does however determine the persona's Universal K/S area STEEPs, starting money, and number of extra connections.

Starting Money: Unlike Mythus, CyberMyth characters do not start off with a DMI, Net Worth, or Bank Accounts, all they have is Cash on Hand. Bank Accounts can be gained by depositing money and a DMI can be obtained by investing money and/or getting a job, or possible through less savory means. A persona's Net Worth is determined by what is bought is with the starting money, and any money gained after that. Any items that are permanent in nature raise the persona's Net Worth by half their value. These items include cyberware, vehicles, equipment, weapons (but not ammo), and anything else that is of everyday use and is not considered for one or two uses only. Some items retain their full value when figuring Net Worth. These are such things as Bank Accounts, land, housing, art objects, one-of-a-kind electronics or programs, hidden caches of money, and the like.
To determine a characters starting money simple multiply the number in the vocational description area of Starting Money times the persona's SEC. In addition, Nomads gain a bonus of 10,000 BUCs (5,000 BUCs if SEC 3 or lower) that can be used towards the purchase of a single vehicle. If the vehicle is less than this amount, than the remaining money is lost.

Extra Connections: So far it seems that the higher SEC characters will have a big advantage over lower SEC ones. This area will help to even that out. Obviously, higher SEC characters have had better education and the money necessary to survive. Lower SEC characters however just had themselves, and of course, the friends to make sure they made it through the night. To represent this, character of SEC 6 and lower gain extra connections, as per the following chart:

SEC  # of Extra Connections
  1        8
  2        7
  3        6
  4        4
  5        2
  6        1

All of these connection are normal people, not Solos or Netrunners, but can prove to be infallible allies.

Character Creation: The way a persona is made is now totally different than Mythus. A vocation is no longer a set of K/S areas with preset STEEPs. The following is the new rules for creating a character.

Step One: A vocation is chosen, and then SEC is rolled. Determine starting money and extra connections.
Step Two: The vocation is designed, then Attributes are rolled and assigned. Add any age modifiers, and figure out STEEPs.
Step Three: Extra K/S Areas are chosen based on Trait scores and Vocational Trait. Any finishing rolls are made, i.e. Joss, Attractiveness, Handedness, etc. Note: The seventh child table is no longer used.
Step Four: Character quirks and personality are chosen, and history is rolled.
Step Five: Character buys equipment and rolls up connections. The character should now be ready for play.

As for vocations, they are merely guidelines to creating a character. Each vocation will have the following things listed, as detailed below:

(Vocation Name and page in CP)    (Vocation Trait)
(Starting Money)
(Trait Area K/S Areas Required and STEEPs)
(Secondary Area K/S Areas Required and STEEPs)
(Trinary Area K/S Areas Required and STEEPs)

During step two a player must design his character's vocation. Each vocation is given 248 points to distribute between the three Trait K/S areas, each with its own limitations and guidelines. Each vocation has a list of K/S areas that must be chosen, and a minimum Base STEEP for each. The following guidelines hold true for all vocations:

All points are to be spent in 4 point blocks, i.e. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, or 28. The Trait area is allocated 124 points of Base STEEP, and all of these must be spent in that area. These points must first be used to purchase the required K/S areas, and then can be used to pick up any addition ones from the Trait area, under the following guidelines:

The Secondary area is allocated 84 points of Base STEEP, but upto 20 of these may be spent in the Trait area. However, required K/S areas must be purchased first. The following guidelines are given for the Secondary area:

The Trinary area is allocated 40 points of Base STEEP, but these points may be spent on the other areas instead, as long as any required K/S areas in this area are bought first. The following list are the guidelines for the trinary area:

Following these guidelines, the player should come up with a vocation that is acceptable to the GM. Also, it should be noted that the rate of improvement for K/S areas should be as follows:

     Trait area      1:1
     Secondary Area  1:1.5
     Trinary Area    1:2

Vocation Descriptions

For actual descriptions of these vocations refer to the Cyberpunk 2020 rulebook. The following are the descriptions and requirements for each vocation.

Rockerboy (p. 6) Spiritual Trait
Starting Money: 3,350 BUCs

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Charismatism              12+
Magnetism                 12+
Musical Composition       12+
Poetry/Lyrics             12+
Thesbianism                8+
Writing, Creative          4+

Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Music 16+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP

Solo (p. 8) Physical Trait
Starting Money: 4,550 BUCs
Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Combat, (choice) 20+ Combat, (choice) 16+ Combat, (choice) 12+ Combat, (choice) 12+ Survival 12+ Weapons, Special Skills 12+ Arms & Armor, Modern 4+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Demolitions 4+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Streetwise 8+ Leadership 4+

Netrunners (p. 10) Mental Trait
Starting Money: 3,200 BUCs
Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Interface 20+ Programming 16+ System Knowledge 16+ Combat, Computer 12+ Cyberdeck Design 4+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Writing, Creative 4+

Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP

Techie (p. 12) Physical Trait
Starting Money: 2,700 BUCs
Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Mechanics 20+ Any Tech Skill (Aero, AV, Gyro, or Med) 16+ Any Tech Skill (Aero, AV, Gyro, or Med) 16+ Smithing/Welding 12+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Electronics 12+ Engineering 12+ Physics 12+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Jury Rig 12+

Medtechie (p. 12) Physical Trait
Starting Money: 4,800 BUCs
Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
First Aid 20+ Medical Tech 20+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Pharmaceuticals 16+ Toxicology 12+ Medicine, Veterinary 4+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Medicine, Oriental 12+

Media (p. 14) Spiritual Trait
Starting Money: 3,120 BUCs
Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Interview 20+ Charismatism 16+ Magnetism 16+ Personal Grooming 12+ Thesbianism 12+ Photography 8+ Leadership 4+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Influence 16+ Journalism 12+ Foreign Language (choice) 4+

Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Travel 4+

Cop (P. 16) Physical Trait
Starting Money: 3,020 BUCs
Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Police Work 20+ Surveillance/Security 16+ Combat, Handgun 12+ Combat, (choice) 12+ Criminal Activities 8+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Law 16+ Criminal Activities 8+ Criminology 8+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Leadership 4+ Streetwise 4+

Corporate (p. 18) Mental Trait
Starting Money: 4,350 BUCs
Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Economics/Financing/ Investing 20+ Business Administration 16+ Influence 12+ Foreign Language (choice) 4+

Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP

Fixer (p. 20) Mental Trait
Starting Money: 4,050 BUCs
Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Criminal Activities 20+ Current Events 16+ Deception 12+ Appraisal 8+ Rarities 8+

Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Criminal Activities 20+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP
Streetwise 16+

Nomad (p. 22) Physical Trait
Starting Money: 2,050 BUCs (see text above)
Physical K/S Areas   Base STEEP
Driving or Motorcycle 20+ Mechanics 16+ Combat, (choice) 12+ Combat, (choice) 12+ Travel 8+ Criminal Activities 4+

Mental K/S Areas     Base STEEP
Criminal Activities 4+

Spiritual K/S Areas  Base STEEP